Samsung is now almost on verge to bring the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE in India as it’s pre-order starts from today. Moreover, the Pre-reserve period opens today and with that the users will get option to choose delivery. Alongwith, it gives options to win a Samsung Galaxy SmartTag for free. In addition, the device’s Pre-order will start from 5th January and last to January 10. And, the device will be available for the sale from 11 January on Amazon India and Samsung India e-commerce official website.
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE Pre-reserve details
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE will now be available from 11th January and pre-order starts from today. Moreover, the users may Pre-Book the device from the Samsung India website. The user has to pay Rs 999 to buy the Next Galaxy VIP Pass from the website itself. In addition, with the pass, the buyers will get the chance to have the device earlier than other buyers at the time of sale. And, the company says that users will get option to win the Samsung Galaxy SmartTag. It is connected object tracker with smartphone with no additional charges.
Moreover, the users may get chance to cancel their pre-booking pass in the duration of this Pre-Book period i.e January 5 and 10. However, there will be some money deduction from the Pre-Booking charge if they cancels. And on the continuation of the Pre-Booking, the users wills recieve information regarding payment remainder. In addition, the Pre-Book charge i.e Rs 999 will be reduced from the final price of the device. The actual price list of the device is yet to arrive.